"Brands for tomorrow": Interview with Schwarz+Matt founder André Schirmer


Developing and realizing your own ideas: For André Schirmer, it was clear from his first participation in a start-up competition that he wanted to become an entrepreneur. Today, the ISM Dortmund graduate is the founder and Managing Director of Schwarz+Matt, one of the leading brand and design agencies in North Rhine-Westphalia. We spoke to André about his path to his own company.[...]


Data and algorithms: Lecturer Ana Moya heads up Data Science at Handelsblatt


Data scientist and analytics expert Dr. Ana Moya is at home in the world of data. During her many years at the FUNKE Media Group in Essen, she worked on the development of data and text mining algorithms, user research and the application of statistical and advanced AI models.


Experiences of international students at ISM


My name is Ilayda (23) and I am currently doing my Bachelor’s degree in Marketing & Communications Management. From 500 international students, I have decided to talk to two specific persons, who gladly shared their opinions and experiences at ISM. [...]


Inclusion in sports across national borders


Students from the International School of Management (ISM, Germany), Helwan University (Egypt) and the American University of Beirut (Lebanon) have developed proposals on improving the integration of people with disabilities on Egyptian sports grounds during the inclusion workshop held at Helwan University […]


A simulation for diplomacy: With the ISM delegation at the National Model United Nations in New York


In the midst of the vibrant life of New York, the first NMUN members of this year's ISM delegation have arrived. They enjoy their time and discover the exciting life in the Big Apple. But they haven’t just come to enjoy the tourist attractions. We ISM students have planned this trip together to take part in the world’s biggest UN simulation game, the National Model United Nations. [...]


A top-notch study program to succeed in Germany's job market


ISM student Xuke Zhang dreamed of studying business in Europe back in high school. In the blog interview, he told us how his bachelor studies at ISM prepared him for the German labour market.[...]


Studying Marketing in Munich? Why not?!


A little more than two years ago I have arrived in Germany with the goal of getting the best education possible and finding a job. Since I’ve been visiting the German School in Teneriffa and Germany has the biggest economy in Europe, the destination was clear. [...]


Student Talk: Buddy Program – What do our exchange students think about the ISM?


The semester abroad is part of the studies at the International School of Management, but not only our students visit partner universities abroad. International exchange students also find a study place for their semester abroad at ISM. [...]


A life of multitasking at Europe's biggest logistic hub: Master student Vipul Chouhan about his work and study life in Frankfurt


Vipul Chouhan was doing a lot of multitasking at the final months of his studies at ISM. The 26 years old master student was gaining work experience at the machinery manufacturing company Schenck Ro Tec in Darmstadt, while completing his master in logistics and supply chain management at ISM Frankfurt. After finishing his master, he has joined Beckman Coulter gmbh, Munich as the senior procurement analyst. In the interview, Vipul tells us about his study-experience at ISM and his life in Frankfurt. [...]


From the USA to Munich – an international student at ISM


Settling into life as an international student in a new country is not always easy. I am talking from personal experience, having spent most of my life in the USA and having become accustomed to the lifestyle there. After moving to Munich, my entire world changed. [...]


My semester abroad at ISM Dortmund


For me, the choice to do my semester abroad in Germany was an easy decision to make. The International School of Management interested me very much. I got a good insight from the website about the student life and the courses they had to offer and I became very excited. At that moment I knew that ISM and Dortmund would suit me perfectly. And I wasn’t wrong. [...]


Life in the financial center of Europe: As an international student at ISM Frankfurt


Business is always an endless gold mine, and you never know how much power you have until you enter the business world. And that stepping stone to success is business school. The first night in Frankfurt, I was sure that this is the city where I want to spend my college life. [...]


Burst the bubble – studying HR management at ISM


Makiese Allé is studying Human Resources Management & Digital Transformation at ISM. When she tells her fellow students about her professional experience in the tourism industry, most are pretty surprised to say the least. From hotel specialist to HR manager – how does that fit together? [...]


What makes your culture unique? Perspectives from ISM students


Your studies at ISM are international. And we are not only talking about your semester abroad and the lecturers from various countries: In your seminars, you can get to know other students from many different cultures. That’s a great preparation for the globalized working world of the future and opens up new insights and perspectives for you.[...]


A semester abroad in the city of romance


Living in Paris would be a dream come true for you? Then take the chance and spend your semester abroad there like I did. […]

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