ISM Bibliothek

Your library at the ISM

Students looking for a quiet working environment can use the library's reading room and study areas. The Dortmund Campus also offers a magazine reading room and a group study area. Each library is stocked with a wide range of business literature as well as the latest study and research findings. Around 90 academic magazines and business periodicals - in German, English, Spanish and French - are available. The library also subscribes to a number of daily and weekly newspapers. A comprehensive range of online media rounds off the library resources. You can use two online databases to conduct full-text research in German and English magazines.

All the ISM's libraries are reference libraries, so books can only be borrowed for one day or over the weekend at most. Instead of stocking multiple copies of a single book, each of the ISM's libraries has a wide variety of different media that you can use for study purposes. Additionally, you have online access to media stocked at other libraries - the local city, state or university libraries, say. You can also order lecturers' notes from the library.

Helping you write academic works

Whether you need to complete an assignment or your bachelor's or master's thesis, writing an academic piece of work is an integral part of your study program at the ISM. During the introduction days at the beginning of your course, you will find out how to use the library databases and the rules for borrowing media. In the "Introduction to writing academic papers" course during the first semester of your bachelor's program, you will learn which criteria you will need to follow when you write an academic piece of work. Should you require any further assistance in your seminar assignments or in locating suitable literature for classes and your thesis, the ISM's library team will be glad to be of assistance.

Advice and training

As an additional service, the library supports students who require advice on their academic papers or help in researching and correcting them, and sees to it that students have access to the literature they need. Simply contact the library staff at any time to make an individual appointment.
Upon request, the library team offer research classes and intensive courses on writing academic papers.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us!

Vincent Möhlenbrock
Vincent Möhlenbrock
Campus Dortmund
0231.97 51 39-664
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Melanie Überall
Melanie Überall
Campus Frankfurt/Main
069.66 05 93 67-56
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Jelena Krstić
Jelena Krstić
Campus Munich
089.2 00 03 50-18
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